Welcome to DCmoldinspection.com, a website dedicated to helping out DC home and commercial property owners prevent problems associated with excessive mold growth as well as know about the best and most appropriate steps to take when they are already facing these issues.
Before we proceed with the prevention methods as well as the guide on what to do in the event that you are one of these DC residents having problems with mold growth, it is first important for you to know what molds are.
So what are molds? Basically, these are just simple microscopic organisms that can be found virtually everywhere. They can grow inside and outside. They are actually a type of fungi that plays a key role in the breaking down of debris found in the environment. In order for them to grow in the first place, they would need to have a source of food material, which can actually be anything, as long as it is organic. It can be wood, paper, and the most common of all: moisture. By simply digesting these food resources, they will already go and thrive. And well allowed to live, they will eventually eat away the material that they are growing on. When it comes to molds indoors, the most common places where they are found are on the surfaces of wood. Since most homes and other types of buildings are built using this organic material, it should no longer come as a surprise that molds are found inside these establishments. In many cases, they can be described as discoloration on material surfaces and can be green, grey, off white, brown, or black. These fungi produce and release thousands and thousands of very tiny spores into the air.
Should you worry about molds becoming a huge problem? The answer depends, but in most cases, yes. Since these fungi just need to meet the right conditions to grow and thrive, they can quickly affect not only a single area in your property; they can begin growing on any surface that will feed them. Sufficient moisture is always present in organic materials such as wood and paper, as well as moisture and condensation, things that are highly likely to be present in your home or commercial establishment. Some of the most common areas where these fungi typically grow include leaky roofs and pipes, obstructed drainage pipes, dirty airconditioning dripping pans, as well as wash and bath areas that do not have proper ventilating systems.
If you want to have peace of mind when it comes to mold growth, you should know that controlling excess moisture and getting rid of any other organic materials that you have inside your home or your business establishment will help you obtain just that. There are many different ways for you to prevent too much moisture or condensation indoors. For example, if it has rained hard recently, make sure that you check any possible spills or leaks indoors. Act upon them as soon as you see them. If you are able to dry out wet or damp areas as well as materials within 24 to 48 hours, you can stop molds from growing. Repairing and cleaning roof gutters will also prevent mold development. The drip pans of your air conditioning system as well as the drain lines of your sewer system should also be regularly cleaned out. Anything that you see collecting moisture or condensation, such as pipes, windows, or walls should be quickly dried out so that you can put a stop to the development of these fungi.
In the event that you have done a thorough search of your home or your business establishment and you have seen molds everywhere, you should still perform all of the tips mentioned above. However, if you think that the mold growth is too extensive, it may be the best time for you to call on experts to come and perform a comprehensive mold inspection or testing service.
Mold inspections done by professionals will help you locate all of the areas of your home where molds have already developed. Aside from roof gutters, leaky pipes, wet or damp wood surfaces, and furniture, these expert mold inspectors will also check out all of the other places in your property where they may be condensation or moisture, things that will feed molds and make them grow and thrive. Mold testing services, on the other hand, are also crucial if you want peace of mind when it comes to the quality of the air you, your family, or your employees are breathing. The processes involved in mold tests are designed to quantify mold spores or seeds in the air. The main reason as to why this is a critical aspect of property management is because through this process, you will be able to determine if you have molds growing in your home or business establishment. This is also crucial to ensure that anyone who enters your property is breathing in safe and non-toxic air.
Having molds in your home or your business establishment is a natural occurrence, since you cannot completely prevent moisture or condensation. What you can avoid though is the extensive damage and the serious health problems that these fungi can bring. And through the help of a professional and unbiased mold inspection and testing company, you will be able to have an easier time sleeping at night knowing that your home or your business is free of molds and has a perfectly safe indoor air quality.